Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Grammys Eve

Tomorrow the Grammy Awards arrive. It's interesting to see where the focus is today on the eve of the event. I just read an article by Associated Press Music Writer Nekesa Mumbi Moody, with the focus of that piece on Mariah Carey and how timely her comeback is as the Wednesday night, Feb. 8th awards night approaches.

Does anyone really think this so-called diva's music will be remembered beyond the hype of today? I could be wrong, of course, but listening to her over-the-top bombast and emotionally-chilled vocals, I can't help but think "who cares?" Is it just me? And she is in fine company this year, with Gwen Stefani nominated for something or another related to her forgettable solo debut "Love. Angel. Music. Baby."

U2's "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" and Paul McCartney's "Chaos and Creation in the Backyard" are also nominated and deserve to be; now those are wonderful albums full of emotional depth and musical craft that showcase why pop music can still weave magic decades after it was born. Yet, McCartney has never won a Grammy for best album. He has won Grammys, dating back to his epic work with the Beatles. But it's amazing to think that Stefani and Carey might rob an artist of McCartney's standing from earning that prize.

But don't be surprised. It's the Grammys and that often means music comes last...

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